Set-Up and Use a Dovetail Jig Class DVD


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Item: D1177R

Class DVD: Set-Up and Use a Dovetail Jig

Dovetail jigs significantly shorten the learning curve for cutting great quality dovetails. But, like any tool, a dovetail jig must be set up and used correctly in order for you to get your best work out of it.

This video class provides you with everything you need to know to cut excellent through, half blind, and rabbeted dovetails on your jig. Your instructor, master woodworker George Vondriska, will teach you the following:

  • Setting up material and jig
  • Router bits required
  • Parts of a dovetail joint
  • Identifying a drawer front versus drawer side
  • Handling the router safely and accurately
  • Getting chip-free cuts
  • Making great half blind dovetails
  • Making through dovetails
  • Rabbeted dovetails and dovetail mistakes
  • Instructor: George Vondriska
    Video run-time: 85 minutes

    PLUS, you’ll get the following BONUS resources and helpful information to supplement your class content:

  • Class Guide PDF, as reference for key elements of the class instruction
  • Class Resources PDF, for a list of tools, suppliers, and other helpful information
  • VIDEO: Meet your instructor
  • VIDEO: Listen to George talk about the value of using dovetail jigs in your shop
  • PLEASE NOTE: The content in this Class DVD is identical to the content available in streaming video form, which you can purchase/review separately in the WWGOA store here.

    Watch a preview of this DVD below: