2023 Product Showcase: Grizzly 6” Jointer
George VondriskaDescription
Carbide inserts make keeping a great edge on this jointer easy. When the cutters are dull, simply rotate them to a fresh edge. No realignment of knives and tables. The V-helical design helps push chips toward the dust collection chute, and the helix helps you get great cut quality even in squirrelly material like curly or birdseye maple.
The fence
The 4” high 29-¼” long fence has stops at 45-degrees, 90-degrees and 135-degrees.
Bed length
The bed length of this machine is 60”. When it comes to jointers the longer the bed, the better. Long jointer beds make it lots easier to joint long stock.
I love having my tools on casters. Casters are built in on this jointer. No need to purchase a mobile base.
The G0523A40 comes with a 1.5 HP 110-volt motor. The switch is mounted on a pedestal that puts it in a great, very accessible position.
Other Grizzly products
Grizzly has a very wide range of products that can help you out in your shop. Check out our reviews of other Grizzly tools.
More info
For more information on this jointer, or other Grizzly products, visit the company’s website or call (800)523-4777.
Paul. We got another showcase to do you. Excited George. I'm so fired up. I love tools.
I love seeing the innovation that is happening in the industry and it's fun to get together and talk about well and being in the position we're in where we get to talk about them amongst ourselves. But then also share that with people. You ready to look at one. Let's do it. Here we go.
All right, Paul Joiner. You've got some personal experience with a Grizzly Joiner. Yeah, I've had one for uh oh 10 years now in my shop similar to this only, uh it's an eight inch uh model but uh the, the carbide cutter head and I just love it. It's been a great tool. So it's one of the things I think is so great that has come to this jointer is those carbide inserts four sided.
So you can change the head when it's dull. You're not changing the knife, you're just changing the insert, rotating it. What an easy way to keep the cutter fresh. And then we're going to show in a little bit the amazing cut quality too that that provides. But then you had mentioned before we got going here 60 inch bed where there's an aircraft carrier.
It's remarkable. It's a lot of real estate. You can really, really edge joint, a long, long plank on that. So prior to tonight, we had a look at, we shot a video on this particular joiner. Let's have a look at that video and the uh characteristics that this joiner brings to the show.
If you're going to square up lumber in your shop, which is the building block of any project that you're going to do is starting with square pieces of material. You need a jointer in order to do that. This model from Grizzly has a long history and it's got a lot of really cool things going for it. One is the length of the bed as a general rule using a jointer, you can edge joint stuff that's about twice as long as the bed. So the longer the bed, the longer the material you'll be able to edge joint and face joint.
It's a 60 inch bed on this machine. Now, one of the things that's really come a long way with jointer in my woodworking lifetime is the introduction of carbide inserts helical heads and grizzly takes us one step further, which is this is a V head. So when you look here and you see that shape, part of what we're going to get from that is that it helps push the chips to the dust collection side of this jointing does make a lot of shavings so that V shape is going to help extract dust away from the cut so that those chips end up in the dust collector instead of in your face. Now, coming back to these carbide inserts, these are crazy cool because what we can do is instead of resetting jointer knives, which would be typical with steel knives with these, when one edge is dull, you loosen the bolt, you turn it 90 degrees, you have a fresh edge. And of course, four sided means you can do that multiple times.
So with that helical shape that's going to give us a shearing cut across our material instead of just a straight cut of attack. So it's like way back in the day if you learned to use a hand plane, somebody probably told you to skew the hand plane just a little bit when you are joining an edge. Same thing here with this shape of cutter head, we get a shearing cut across our material. Much better surface finish. So let's have a look at joint versus some pretty cool maple I have here.
Yeah. Now you could tell on that first pass where it cut kind of hit or miss it wasn't hitting the whole surface. That's what joiners are good at is making faces and edges straight. The cut quality on this maple is really good and look here at the end where it's got some figure to it. If there's a spot where we're going to get chip out, it's going to be any place where we have really nice figure in the wood.
And of course, that's the prettiest part of the wood, that's the part we want to save. So again, benefit to this head, this machine is a really, really good cut quality we're getting there. Now in my shop, everything I own is on casters with this jointer, the castors are built in. So in addition to a cool joiner, we have mobility. So overall Grizzly has done a really nice job with this machine and it really does a great job of flattening faces, smoothing edges, the starting point, the building block of getting your project square is having your material square, cool tool, great features.
You are gonna make a cut for us. This is um what do you got there, Captain? This is about a five inch wide plague of Curly maple. Some beautiful figure throughout. It's a great test for a joiner.
Yeah, absolutely. Do some face joining you hit it. That's a good test and look at the quilt and it's just unbelievable. It's um I don't, I don't know if I would stand that before I shot, hit it lightly with 2 20 it's probably good to go, man. It's got a nice sheen to it.
All right. Uh Anything else you got here? Um The other thing I will say the other thing I love is it comes with casters as you know, everything in my shop is on casters and that's an important part of uh my tooling. So the fact that they're built into this and you don't have to add them later is a really, really nice feature. I totally agree.
All right. Cool. OK. Another showcase in the Can Paul. Did you have fun?
I had fun. I've got a lot of good ideas to take back to my shop. Cool. And that's part of this is getting those ideas out in front of people so that they can maybe take them back to their shop too. Take them back to the shop and go shopping because you can never have enough tools.
Thanks so much for watching.
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