Create As-Needed Work Surfaces
George VondriskaDescription
Get the size you need
From 2’ x 4’ up to 4’ x 8’, with lots of sizes in between, Powertec has an Arachni-flex that’ll fit your needs. I use the 4’ x 8’, equipped with sacrificial boards, when I’m cutting sheet goods down to manageable sizes. The Workstations are 36” tall.
Add accessories
The Workstations themselves add a lot to your shop. Make ‘em even more versatile by adding accessories. You can get MDF tops for them that are blank, or have ¾” dog holes, or have ¾” dog holes and T-track. The tops fold so they’re easy to store.
And more accessories
There’s a lot of stuff to go along with those MDF tops: stops, hold downs, clamps for lateral pressure, T-track stuff, dog hole stuff, etc. The list of things you can use with the tops is nearly endless.
More info
For more information on the Arachni-flex Portable Workstations and Powertec products, visit the company’s website.
The correct link is: https://powertecproducts.com/workshop/work-stations-saw-stands/
Weblink has an h in it making it powertech instead of powertec
Hi, the link to http://www.powertechproducts.com/ is for sale
Link to Powertec's website doesn't work. Also, it appears that as of 5/9/2024 the arachni-flex products are not in production yet.