Jointing a Box Top
Jimmy DiRestaDescription
1. Make a sanding sled. Using some scrap material, attach a piece of sandpaper that will be used to flush the joints.
2. Mark the edges of the box. An important part of this process is to keep track of where you have removed material and which portions of the wooden box top remain untouched by sandpaper. Use a pencil to mark a line on each surface. A double line is appropriate so that you are sure to notice any remaining lines after sanding.
3. Work the sled across the wooden box top. Use careful, deliberate motion to remove wood from the high spots of the wooden box top. You’ll have to be patient and let the sandpaper do the work. It feels like a slow process, but it will be over before you know it. Keep going until all of the pencil lines are removed. Check your work by feeling the joints, but avoid looking at it, because appearances can be deceiving.
This technique for flushing a wooden box top provides a helpful approach to achieving a perfectly flat top on your next box project.