Plunge Router Tips: Set Perfect Inlay Depth
George VondriskaDescription
One huge benefit of a plunge router is the ability to set it to a specific depth, and hit that depth precisely every time. Certain projects are more demanding than others. For instance when working with inlay, which is very thin, the difference between a perfect fit and a bad one is very small. But setting plunge router depth accurately can be tricky, unless you know a few secrets. We’ll show you how to get the depth just right, every time.
The beauty of the system taught in this video is that no measuring is involved. Instead, plunge router depth is gauged by using the inlay itself. This technique applies any time you’re looking for perfect depth of cut.
Routers = great versatility
A router can bring a lot of versatility to your shop, provided you know how to set it up and use it correctly and safely. Edge treatments, molding, dadoes, rabbets, and many other woodworking tasks and joints can all be done with a router. To help you out, keep you safe, and make certain you get the most from this machine WoodWorkers Guild of America has a large number of router videos you can take advantage of to advance your skills. If you want to take versatility one step further, consider putting your router in a router table. This opens the door to a number of additional tasks the router can do for you, and we’ve got many of them covered in our router table videos.